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[ 作者: 来源: 点击次数:6765 发布时间:2013-05-10 14:26:06 ]

With over 150 combined total years of legal experience, the Hawaii members of the U.S.-China Legal Network seek to establish friendships and professional relationships between U.S. and Chinese lawyers and business persons. The U.S.-China Legal Network represents decades of experience in dealing with clients from Asia.  Our language capabilities include Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) and Japanese.

The goals of the U.S.-China Legal Network are to foster and support each other in our efforts to provide legal and business services to China-related clients, to facilitate co-counseling and/or consulting arrangements with each other in order to provide legal and strategic financial and transaction advisory services to China-related clients, and to refer potential China-related clients to appropriate and trusted professionals.

The U.S.-China Legal Network is committed to developing beneficial professional relationships and friendships with lawyers, law firms and businesses in China, to assist Chinese attorneys improve their knowledge of and access to the U.S. legal system, and to serve as a bridge for mutually beneficial interactions between China and U. S. business and legal communities.

With these goals in mind, the U.S.-China Legal Network offers to provide competent, loyal, trustworthy, relationship-based legal representation of Chinese clients in the U. S. and U.S. clients in China.

Our areas of expertise in U.S. law include immigration, civil litigation, commercial dispute resolution, general corporate, intellectual property, securities law, international finance, real estate, estate planning, and tax.  The Hawaii membership of the U.S.-China Legal Network includes one of Hawaii’s largest and leading law firms.  In total, the Hawaii membership includes over eighty lawyers.

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