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[ 作者: 来源: 点击次数:8035 发布时间:2009-01-19 23:29:37 ]
Unit 1 Scope of Freight Forwarding Services

freight forwarder 货运代理/货物代理人
foreign exchange 外汇/外国汇票
bills of lading 提单
commission agent 委托代理人
letter of credit 信用证
customs clearance 清关
special cargoes 特殊货物
project cargoes 工程货物
heavy crane 重吊
customs terminal 海关站
trade contract 贸易合同
general cargo 杂货
transit operations 运输过程

    Unit 2 Incoterms 2000-Six Major Trade Terms

inland waterway transport 内河运输
clear the goods for export 办理货物出口清关手续
insurance policy 保险单
insurance premium 保险费
charges 费用
port 港口
place 地点
point 点
premise 所在地
collection vehicle 提货的车辆
be in conformity with 与---相符
formalities 手续
packing costs 包装费用
transfer of risks 风险转移
in accordance with 根据
no obligation 无义务
mode of transport 运输方式
exchange control 外汇管制

    Unit 3 Terms of Shipment in the Contract for the International Sale of Goods

ports of call 挂靠港/停靠港
expiry date 有效期
presentation of documents 交单
partial shipments 分批装运
shipping documents 装运单据/运输单据
liner transport 班轮运输
shipping by chartering 租船运输
sailing schedule 船期表
liner freight tariff 班轮运价表
weight ton 重量吨
measurement ton 尺码吨
direct additional 直航附加费
transshipment additional 转船附加费
port additional 港口附加费
port congestion surcharge 港口拥挤附加费
alteration of destination additional 变更卸货港附加费
deviation surcharge 绕航附加费
optional additional 选卸附加费
bunker surcharge 燃油附加费
additional for excess of liability 超额责任附加费
dispatch money 速遣费
shipping space 舱位

    Unit 4 International Cargo Transportation Insurance

insurance broker 保险经纪人
in transit 运输中
Particular Average 单独海损
general average 共同海损
partial loss 部分损失
stranded vessel 搁浅船
Free of Particular Average(FPA) 平安险(单独海损不赔)
With Average/With Particular Average(WA/WPA) 水渍险
All Risks(AR) 一切险
War and Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions 战争、罢工、暴动和民变(风险)
bulk cargo 散货
deductible franchise 绝对免赔额
general cargo 杂货/普通货物
inherent vice 内在缺陷/固有缺陷
insurance fund 保险基金
insurance company 保险公司
insurance contract 保险合同
insurance clauses 保险条款
insurance period 保险期限
insurance agent 保险代理人
actual total loss 实际全损
constructive total loss 推定全损
force majeure 不可抗力
full insurance 足额保险
general average contribution 共同海损分摊
marine insurance 海上保险
notice of claim 索赔通知
partial loss 部分损失
perils of the sea 海上风险
rate of premium 保险费率
returns of premium 保险退费
validity of policy 保险单的有效期
valued policy 定值保险单
voyage policy 航次保险单
war risk 战争险
wear and tear 自然磨损

    Unit 5 The Practice of International Ocean cargo Transportation

international trade 国际贸易
carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输
pattern of international trade 国际贸易方式
shipping market 航运市场
non-conference lines 非班轮公会航线
non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOCC) 无营运船公共承运人
tramp service 不定期船运输
conference lines 班轮公会航线
scheduled service 定期航运
common carrier 公共承运人
shipping conference 班轮公会
freight rate 运费率
supply and demand 供求
bill of lading, B/L 提单
sea waybill 海运单
shipping note 托运单/装货通知单
delivery order 提货单
mate's receipts 大副收据/收货单
contract of carriage 货物运输合同
receipt for goods 货物收据
document of title 物权凭证
port authorities 港务局/港口主管机关
shipping space 舱位
liner service 班轮运输
sailing schedule 船期表
cargo seawothiness 适货
shipowner 船舶所有人/船东
ship operator 船舶经营人
merchant ship 商船
passenger ship 客船
general cargo ship 杂货船
oil tanker 油船
container ship 集装箱船
multipurpose cargo vessel 多用途船
roll on/roll off ship or ro/ro ship 滚装船
freight manifest 运费清单
shipping order 装货单
loading list or cargo list 装货清单
dangerous cargo list 危险品清单
damage cargo list 货物残损单
cargo tracer 货物查询单
actual carrier 实际承运人
voyage charter 航次租船
bareboat charter 光船租船
cancelling date 解约日
multimodal transportation 多式联运
stowage plan 积载图
notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书

    Unit 7 Chartering Shipping or Tramp Shipping

en route 在途中
port dues 港口费
canal tolls 运河通行费
light dues 灯标费
harbour dues 港务费
forwarding agent 货运代理人
long term contract 长期合同
external capital 外部投资

Unit 8 Marine Bills of lading(1)-General Introduction

marine bills of lading 海运提单
international sales of goods 国际货物运输
on board 在船上
contract of affreightment 货物运输合同
ship's name 船名
port of loading 装货港
contract of carriage 货物运输合同
order bills of lading 指示提单
negotiable document 可转让单据
straight bills of lading 记名提单
shipped bills of lading 已装船提单
received for shipment bills of lading 收货待运提单
direct bills of lading 直达提单
through bills of lading 联运提单
shipping company 海运公司/船务公司
clean bill of lading 清洁提单
foul bill of lading 不清洁提单
short shipment 短装/装货不足
insufficient packing 包装不良/包装不固
anti-dated bill of lading 倒签提单
advanced bill of lading 预借提单
stale bill of lading 过期提单
short form bill of lading 简式提单
combined transport bill of lading or multimodal transport bill of lading 多式联运提单
intermodal transport bill of lading(American English) 多式联运提单
on deck bill of lading 舱面货提单
minimum freight bill of lading 最低运费提单
delay in delivery 延迟交货
limitation of liability 责任限制
holder of bill of lading 提单持有人
sailing schedule 船期表
endorsement of bill of lading 提单背书
endorsement in blank 空白背书
transfer of bill of lading 提单转让
Hague Rules 海牙规则
Hague-Vi***y Rules 海牙-维斯比规则
Hamburg Rules 汉堡规则
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act(COGSA) 海上货物运输法

    Unit 9 Marine Bills of lading(2)-Making and Signing of Marine Bills of lading

arrival notice 到货通知/到港通知
notify party 通知方
as per 按照
delivery order 提货单
full set 全套
electronic bill of lading 电子提单
Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) 电子数据交换
letter of indemnity 保函
due diligence 谨慎处理/恪尽职责
time bar or time limitation 时效
cargo worthiness 适货
cargo's apparent order and condition 货物外表状态
number of B/L 提单签发的份数
original B/L 正本提单
UCP500 1993年修订的国际商会500号出版物(跟单信用证统一惯例)
seaway bill 海运单
paramount clause 首要条款
Himalaya clause 喜马拉亚条款
unknown clause 不知条款
period of responsibility of carrier 承运人责任期间
exception clause or exemption clause 除外条款(免责条款)
jurisdiction clause 管辖权条款
refrigerated cargo clause 冷藏货条款
bulk cargo clause 散装货条款
transhipment clause 转船条款
timber clause 木材条款
heavy lifts and awkward clause 重大件条款

    Unit 10 Ocean Freight Rates

ocean freight rate 海运运费
tramp rate 不定期船运费率
liner freight rate 班轮运费率
liner operator 班轮营运人
stowage factor 积载因数
break bulk cargo 件杂货
adjustment factors 调整因素
currency adjustment factor(CAF) 货币贬值调整因素,货币贬值附加费
bunker adjustment factor(BAF) 燃油价格调整因素,燃油附加费
ocean freight 海运运费
freight rate 运费率,运价
open rate 自由费率,议价费率
freight prepaid 预付运费
freight to collect 到付运费
basic freight 基本运费
non-conference tariff 非公会运价表
conference tariff 公会运价表
bilateral tariff 双边运价表
freight agreement 运价协议
heavy lift additional 超重附加费
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