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[ 作者: 来源: 点击次数:9014 发布时间:2008-12-27 15:04:31 ]
  循环信用证(Revolving Letter of Credit)的功能适用的贸易方式是在交易条款中明确定时、定量、定品种的契约货物,而且只限向同一个贸易伙伴提供同一货物;这样的贸易方式可采用循环信用证 。在实务中,如出口商向进口商较长时间分批、定量、定时提供大型设备的零配件、易损件等业务,可以采用循环信用证。




  1. 循环信用证按“时间”依次循环可分为:

  a. 自动循环(Automatic Revolving)


  b. 通知循环(Notice Revolving)

  通知循环,顾名思义,受益人于每次装货议付后,须等待和收到开证银行致受益人通知后,才能恢复到原金额再度使用,亦称非自动循环(Non-automatic Revolving)。

  c. 定期循环(Periodic Revolving)

  定期循环是指受益人于装货议付后,须经过一定期间方可恢复原金额再度使用。定期循环是依契约的规定,可按月、按季循环使用,亦称半自动循环(Semi-Automatic Revolving)。

  2. 循环信用证按“金额”循环可分为

  a. 积累循环(Cumulative Revolving)


  b. 非积累循环(Non-Cumulative Revolving)



  1. 自动循环(Automatic Revolving)


  The total amount of this credit shall be restored automatically after date of negotiation.


  The amounts paid under this credit are again available to you atically until the total of the payments reaches US $___

  2. 通知循环(Notice Revolving)


  The amount shall be reinstated after each negotiation only upon receipt of Issuing Banks notice stating that the credit might be renewed.


  The amount of each shipment shall be reinstated after each negotiation only upon receipt of credit-writing importers issuing banks notice stating that the credit might be renewed.

  3. 定期循环(Periodic Revolving)


  Should the Negotiating Bank not be advised of stopping renewal within seven (7) days after each negotiation, the unused balance of this credit shall be increased to the original amount.

  4. 积累循环(Cumulative Revolving)


  Per three (3) calender month cumulative commencing with 15th March 19__, revolving on the first business day of each successive month and ending with 15th December 19__.

  5. 非积累循环(Non-Cumulative Revolving)


  The unused balance of each shipment is not cumulative to the following shipment.


  凡信用证所列的金额不可循环使用者,皆为非循环信用证(Non-Revolving Letter of Credit)。


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