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[ 作者: 来源: 点击次数:3127 发布时间:2007-07-23 13:40:51 ]

企业办社会 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities
企业集团战略 corporate group strategy
企业兼并重组 company merger and restructuring
企业领导班子 enterprise management
企业所得税 enterprise(corporate)income tax
企业效益 corporate profitability
企业资金违规流入股市 irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market
欠税 tax arrears
欠息 overdue interest
强化税收征管 to strengthen tax administration
强制措施 enforcement action
翘尾因素 carryover effect
切一刀 partial application
清理收回贷款 clean up and recover loans
(破产)清算 liquidation
倾斜政策 preferential policy
区别对待 differential treatment
趋势加强 intensifying trend
全球化 globalization
权益回报率 returns on equity(ROE)
缺乏后劲 unsustainable momentum

绕规模贷款 to circumvent credit ceiling
人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP
人均收入 per capita income
人民币升值压力 upward pressure on the Renminbi(exchange rate)
认缴资本 subscribed capital
软贷款 soft loans
软预算约束 soft budget constraint
软着陆 soft landing

外部审计 external audit
外国直接投资 foreign direct investment (FDI)
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves
外汇调剂 foreign exchange swap
外汇占款 the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves;the RMB equivalent of offcial foreign exchange holdings
外向型经济 export-oriented economy
外债 external debt
外资企业 foreign-funded enterprises
完善现代企业制度 to improve the modern enterprise system
完税凭证 tax payment documentation
违法经营 illegal business
委托存款 entrusted deposits
稳步增长 steady growth
稳健的银行系统 a sound banking system
稳中求进 to make progress while ensuring stability
无纸交易 book-entry(or paperless/scriptless)transaction
物价监测 price monitoring

吸纳流动性 to absorb liquidity
稀缺经济 scarcity economy
洗钱 money laundering
系统内调度 fund allocation within a bank
系统性金融危机 systemic financial crisis
下岗工人 laid-off employees
下游企业 down-stream enterprises
现场稽核 on-site examination
现金滞留(居民手中) cash held outside the banking system
乡镇企业 township and village enterprises(TVEs)
消费物价指数 consumer price index(CPI)
消费税 excise(consumption)tax
消灭财政赤字 to balance the budget;to eliminate fiscal deficit
销货款回笼 reflow of corporate sales income to the banking system
销售平淡 lackluster sales
协议外资金额 committed amount of foreign investment
新经济增长点 new sources of economic growth
新开工项目 new projects;newly started projects
新增贷款 incremental credit; loan increment; credit growth; credit expansion
新增就业位置 new jobs;new job opportunities
信贷规模考核 review the compliance with credit ceilings
信号失真 distorted signals
信托投资公司 trust and investment companies
信息不对称 information asymmetry
信息反馈 feedback(information)
信息共享系统 information sharing system
信息披露 information disclosure
信用扩张 credir expansion
信用评级 credit rating
姓“资”还是姓“社” pertaining to socialism or capitalism;socialist orcaptialist
行政措施 administrative measures
需求膨胀 demand expansion; excessive demand
虚伪存款 window-dressing deposits
削减冗员 to shed excess labor force
寻租 rent seeking
迅速反弹 quick rebound

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